Peaceful Hearts Preschool & Daycare
at Northwest Church of Christ
Currently Closed
Mission and Statement of Faith
Biblical, Loving, Foundational
Peaceful Hearts Preschool & Daycare proudly adheres to the highest standards of education and caregiving. Our dedicated staff is committed to providing a supportive environment where your child can build a foundation to thrive now and into adulthood.
"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."
Proverbs 22:6
We Believe
We believe there is one God — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — who is eternal and who created all things.
We believe the Father sent the Son, Jesus Christ, who was God in human form, to establish God’s kingdom.
We believe Jesus died for our sins, was buried, was raised from the dead, and returned to heaven to be with the Father.
We believe salvation is possible only through the gracious work of God, and that people respond to His gift by putting their trust in Jesus, by turning away from their sin, and by being immersed into Christ through baptism.
We believe the Father and Son send the Holy Spirit as a gift to live inside those who believe so that He might transform them into the likeness of Christ.
We believe Christ will return some day.
We believe God reveals this good news through the Bible, which is His authoritative word for our lives.
We Value
We value worshiping, praying, and learning together in unity and freedom across generations.
We value proclaiming the abundant, extravagant, joy-giving good news of God’s grace in Christ.
We value serving people, especially the poor and homeless
We value following the leading of the Holy Spirit through scripture and the community of faith.
We value making disciples of the next generation and the non-churched.
We value answering Jesus’ prayer for unity of all believers in Christ.
We value investing in the care and encouragement of our church family.
We value releasing with excellence the gifts, talents, and experience of every member for ministry
We value giving generously to help people and to advance the gospel of Jesus.
We value all people, believers and non-believers as all are created in in the image of God and are loved equally by Him.